3,138. A Field That Has Trees

Hilchos Matnos Aniyim 3:7

Let’s say that someone plants on levels. If each level is ten handbreadths (about 30”) higher than the next, he leaves separate peah for each level. If the heads of the rows meet, he leaves one peah for all of it. If the levels were fewer than ten handbreadths above one another, he leaves one peah even if the heads of the rows don’t meet. If there was a rock over the entire surface of a field requiring one to pick up his plow on one side and put it down on the other, it serves as a separation. If this is not the case, it’s not a separation.

Hilchos Matnos Aniyim 3:8

If someone plants in a field that has trees, he leaves one peah for the whole field; this is so even if he plants the field in squares between the trees, with the result that the whole crop isn’t contiguous. This is because such a field is known to be one field; it’s only the location of the trees that separates the crops.