3,135. Leaving Peah From One Field for Another

Hilchos Matnos Aniyim 3:1

Peah may not be left in one field for a different field. For example, if someone had two fields, he may not harvest one completely and leave enough peah for both in the other, as per Leviticus 23:22: "Do not completely clear the corners of your field." We see that one must leave the appropriate peah in each field. If he left peah in one field for another, it doesn’t fulfill the obligation of peah.

Hilchos Matnos Aniyim 3:2

Even if one's whole field was planted with just one crop, if there was a stream running through it that would keep him from harvesting both sides at once, it’s considered two fields and he must leave peah on each side for the crops that grew there. This is the case even if the stream is not running at harvest time, or if it’s an irrigation ditch so long as it once contained flowing water.