3,134. Acquiring Peah for Someone Else

Hilchos Matnos Aniyim 2:19

Let’s say that someone took peah and said that it’s for person X, who is needy. If one who took it is also needy, the acquisition is valid; since he can acquire it himself, he can acquire it for person X. If the one who took it was well off, he may not acquire it for another. Rather, he should give it to the first needy person he encounters.

Hilchos Matnos Aniyim 2:20

If the owner leaves peah for certain needy people who are standing in front of him and a different needy person comes from behind him and takes it, the latter has effectively acquired it. This is because one doesn’t acquire leket, shich’cha or peah until it’s in his hand; the same is true of a lost coin.