3,132. How the Needy Collect Peah

Hilchos Matnos Aniyim 2:15

Peah from grain, legumes and similar crops that are harvested, as well as peah in vineyards and orchards, is be given while still connected to the ground. The needy grab it by hand; they may not cut it with sickles or hatchets out of concern that they might injure one another. If the needy want to divide the peah equally among them, that’s their prerogative. However, if 99 of them want to divvy it up and one wants each to grab whatever he can, we follow the approach of the one because what he’s saying is consistent with the halacha.

Hilchos Matnos Aniyim 2:16

If peah from a grape vine or a date palm can only be reached at personal risk to the needy, the owner of the field must lower it and divide it among them. If they all prefer that it be left where it is so they can grab at it, then that’s what we do. However, if 99 of them want it left where it is to be grabbed and one wants it to be divided among them, we listen to the one because what he’s saying is consistent with the halacha. In such a case, the owner must lower it and divvy it up.