930. Bentching on Yom Kippur

133:17 When it comes to those who are fed because they are in danger, if kosher food is not available, they may be given non-kosher food. If the patient is fed non-kosher food, one should feed him less than a k'zayis (about an ounce) at a time, as long as this is sufficient for his needs.

133:18 If the patient's mind is clear, he should recite the appropriate brachos before and after eating, though one does not recite kiddush on Yom Kippur. One does say yaaleh v'yavo in bentching, as well as r'tzei if it happens to be Shabbos. If one forgot these insertions, he does not go back because there is no obligation to eat bread on this day. (Some authorities say that yaaleh v'yavo and r'tzei need not be said but one may because there is no problem of reciting potentially needless brachos involved. This, however, is not the case with kiddush, which may therefore not be recited even optionally - Mishnah Brurah 618:29.)