3,125. The Kinds of Produce That Require Peah

Hilchos Matnos Aniyim 2:1

Peah must be left from (1) any food that (2) grows from the ground, (3) is guarded, (4) is all harvested at one time and (5) is stored. This is seen from Leviticus 19:9 and 23:22: "When you reap the harvest of your land."

Hilchos Matnos Aniyim 2:2

Peah must be left from any growth that resembles a harvested crop in these five traits. This includes grain, legumes, carob, nuts, almonds, pomegranates, grapes, olives, fresh and dried dates, and anything similar. Plants like indigo and madder are exempt because they’re not food. Truffles and mushrooms are exempt because they don’t grow from the ground. Ownerless growth is exempt because no one guards it and anyone may take it. Figs are exempt because they’re not harvested all at once; rather, some ripen on the tree on one day and others don’t ripen until several days later. Vegetables are exempt because they’re not stored, though peah must be left from garlic and onions because these are dried and stored. Peah must also be left from onions that are put in the ground in order grow more onions from them. The same is true in all comparable cases.