3,121. Who is the Ger?

Hilchos Matnos Aniyim 1:8

The owners of fields are not entitled to give the gifts for the needy at their discretion. Rather, the needy may come and they can take these shares even against the owner’s will. The gifts may be taken even from a farmer who is himself needy.

Hilchos Matnos Aniyim 1:9

The term “ger” (literally, a stranger) when used in regard to gifts for the needy refers to a convert. This is seen from Deuteronomy 14:29; regarding the tithe for the needy it says “the Levi and the stranger will come.” Just as the Levi is someone Jewish, so is the stranger. This doesn’t mean that non-Jews may not also take these gifts; they may. They come together with the needy Jews and take them in order to promote peaceful relations.