3,120. How Many Gifts From Each Type of Produce?

Hilchos Matnos Aniyim 1:6

Just as shich’cha (the rule of forgotten crops) applies to sheaves, likewise it applies to standing grain. If one forgot to reap standing grain, it is given to the poor. Just as shich’cha applies to grain and similar crops, it also applies to trees. Deuteronomy 24:20 teaches "When you beat your olive tree, do not return to do so again." This rule applies equally to other trees.

Hilchos Matnos Aniyim 1:7

We see that there are four types of gifts given to the needy from a vineyard: loose grapes that fall, the undergrown clusters, peah (the corners) and shich’cha (forgotten produce). There are three gifts from grain: leket (gleanings), shich’cha and peah, and two from trees: shich’cha and peah.