3,109. Sewing and Selling Shaatnez

Hilchos Kilayim 10:16

Tailors sewing shaatnez garments may do so in the normal fashion so long as they don’t intend to use them for protection from the sun in the summer and from the rain in the winter. Religiously zealous people sew such garments on the ground. Similarly, those who sell shaatnez garments may do so in the usual way so long as they don’t intend that the shaatnez on their shoulders should protect them from heat in the summer or warm them in the winter. The religiously zealous carry such garments on a pole.

Hilchos Kilayim 10:17

One may not pick up a hot egg with a shaatnez cloth because he then benefits from shaatnez as protection from heat or cold. The same rule applies in all comparable cases.