3,104. Can You Sew Sheep Hides With Linen Thread?

Hilchos Kilayim 10:6

Let’s say that someone mixed sheep wool with camel wool and similar things, then made thread from the mixture. If half of the combination comes from sheep, it is shaatnez with flax. However, if the majority comes from camels, it may be mixed with flax because the thread is considered made of camel wool. We are not concerned with the sheep wool mixed in because they’re not threads of wool.

Hilchos Kilayim 10:7

Pursuant to the preceding halacha, if sheep hides are used to make garments, they are permitted even if sewn with flax. We are not concerned that strands of wool will get tangled with the linen that was used to sew it; the wool is inconsequential because of its minuscule volume.