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Menachos 11:9-12:1

Menachos 11:9

The two Shavuos loaves were eaten no sooner than the second day after their baking and no later than the third day, as follows: if they were baked on the day before yom tov and eaten on yom tov, that’s the second day; if yom tov falls after Shabbos, then they were eaten on the third day. The showbread was eaten no sooner than the ninth day after its baking and no later than the eleventh day, as follows: if it was baked on Friday and eaten on (the next) Shabbos, that’s the ninth day; if yom tov fell on Friday (then the showbread was baked on Thursday and) it was eaten on the tenth day. If the two days of Rosh Hashana were Thursday and Friday (then the showbread was baked on Wednesday and) it was eaten on the eleventh day. Baking the bread doesn’t supersede Shabbos or yom tov. Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel said in the name of Rabbi Shimon son of the deputy High Priest that the baking does supersede yom tov but it doesn’t supersede Yom Kippur.

Menachos 12:1

If flour offerings and libations were rendered ritually unclean before they were sanctified in a Temple vessel, they can be redeemed; if after they have been sanctified in a vessel, then they cannot be redeemed. Birds for offerings, firewood, frankincense and Temple vessels cannot be redeemed because the law of redemption only mentions animals (Leviticus 27:11).

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz