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Menachos 11:1-2

Menachos 11:1

The two loaves offered on Shavuos were kneaded individually and baked individually. The loaves of the showbread were kneaded individually but they were baked in pairs; these were prepared in a mold. When the loaves were taken out of the oven, they were placed in another mold to keep them from being damaged.

Menachos 11:2

The two loaves and the showbread are alike in that both are kneaded and rolled outside the Temple courtyard but baked inside, and in that they do not supersede Shabbos. Rabbi Yehuda says all of their preparations were done inside. Rabbi Shimon said that one should get used to the idea that the two loaves and the showbread are valid whether prepared in the courtyard or prepared in Beis Pagi (on the far side of the Temple mount).

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz