3,095. Mixed Species of a Vineyard Outside of Israel

Hilchos Kilayim 8:13

All of the measures for distancing between vines and other produce only apply in Israel or in Syria (which was formerly annexed by Israel). Outside of Israel, one may plant next to vines in a vineyard even at the outset. Outside of Israel, it was only prohibited to plant two types of vegetable or grain with grape seeds in the same handful. It is permitted to tell a non-Jewish child to plant for him in this manner outside of Israel, but one may not so instruct an adult, as a preventive measure against doing so with a Jew.

Hilchos Kilayim 8:14

While it is permitted to plant vegetables on the side of a vineyard outside of Israel, the vegetables planted there may not be eaten, even outside of Israel. This is the case if the owner was seen harvesting and selling them; if there’s a doubt as to the source of the vegetables, then they are permitted as was discussed in Maachalos Assuros chapter 10.