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Menachos 9:5-6

Menachos 9:5

All the measures in the Temple were heaping measures except for the one used for the Kohein Gadol’s daily flour offering, which contained level what another measure would hold when heaped. The overflow of the liquid measures was holy but the overflow of dry measures was not. Rabbi Akiva explains that the liquid measures were holy, which is why their overflow was holy; the dry measures were not holy, which is why their overflow wasn’t. Rabbi Yosi disagrees with Rabbi Akiva’s explanation. Rather, he says that the reason for this distinction is because liquid overflow was inside the measure before it overflowed, which is not the case with the dry overflow, which was never inside the measure.

Menachos 9:6

All communal and individual offerings require libations except for a firstborn animal, animal tithes, the Passover offering, sin offerings and guilt offerings. The sin offering and guilt offering of a metzora, however, do require libations.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz