3,087. A Mound in a Vineyard

Hilchos Kilayim 7:22

If a mound in a vineyard is ten handbreadths high and four handbreadths wide (approximately 30”x12”), one may plant vegetables on top of it provided that the vine’s branches don’t touch it. This is so that it shouldn’t appear from above to be a case of vegetables planted in the middle of the vineyard. This rule only applies to a rectangle; if the mound is round, then we require it to have an empty space of four handbreadths in order to separate it from the ground, and there must be three handbreadths (about 9”) of soil on top of it.

Hilchos Kilayim 7:23

Regarding a structure in a vineyard, if it is more than three handbreadths by three handbreadths up to four handbreadths, one may plant vegetables in it. If it’s shorter than three handbreadths by three handbreadths, the space is considered filled and one may not plant in it.