3,086. A Path Between Two Vineyards

Hilchos Kilayim 7:20

Let’s say that a ditch ten handbreadths deep and four handbreadths wide (approximately 30” x 12”) runs through a vineyard. If it reaches from one end of the vineyard to the other, it is permitted to plant in it since it appears to run between two different vineyards; this is the case so long as the vines don’t extend over it, as was previously discussed. If the ditch doesn’t run from one end to the other, it’s treated like a wine vat in the middle of a vineyard, i.e., even if it’s ten handbreadths deep and four handbreadths wide or larger, one may not plant in it unless the empty area is 16 cubits wide (about 24’).

Hilchos Kilayim 7:21

A path that runs between two vineyards is comparable to a vineyard that was destroyed in the middle: if there are 16 cubits between the two vineyards, one may distance four cubits on either side and plant in the rest. If the area between the vineyards is smaller than 16 cubits, one may not bring seeds there.