3,085. A Small Courtyard That Breaches Into a Large Courtyard

Hilchos Kilayim 7:18

Let’s say that a building is partially roofed and partially unroofed. If vines are planted on one side (inside the building), one is permitted to plant vegetables on the other side. This is because we consider the edge of the roof as if it descends, forming a partition between the sections. If the roof gets completed, then it would be prohibited.

Hilchos Kilayim 7:19

Let’s say that a small courtyard gets breached so that one side opens entirely into a large courtyard in which vines are growing. In such a case, it’s prohibited to plant in the small courtyard. If someone plants there, that produce is prohibited but the vines remain permitted. If there were vines growing in the small courtyard, one is permitted to plant in the large courtyard; since the larger courtyard has partitions on both sides, it is considered separated from the small courtyard. The small courtyard, however, is not considered separated from the large courtyard.