3,083. The Fence Around a Vineyard

Hilchos Kilayim 7:14

If the fence around a vineyard is lower than ten handbreadths (about 30”), or it was ten handbreadths tall but not four handbreadths wide (about 12”), then the concept of a “waived” section of the vineyard doesn’t apply. Rather, one distances four cubits (about 6’) from the roots of the vines and plants until he reaches the partition. Even if there are only 4.5 cubits between the vines and the partition, he may still plant in that extra half-cubit.

Hilchos Kilayim 7:15

If a fence is ten handbreadths tall, or a ditch is ten handbreadths deep and four handbreadths wide, one may plant a vineyard on one side of it and vegetables on the opposite side. Even if there’s only a partition made of reeds, so long as the gap between each reed and the next is smaller than three handbreadths (about 9”), it effectively separates between a vineyard and vegetables.