3,082. A Space Left Without Vines

Hilchos Kilayim 7:12

Similar to the case in the previous halacha, if a space was left without vines from the end of the vineyard to the fence, that part is called “a waived vineyard.” If it is 12 cubits or wider (around 18’+), then one may distance four cubits from the vines and plant in the rest of the space.

Hilchos Kilayim 7:13

If the empty space is smaller than 12 cubits wide, one may not plant seed there. If he did so, then since he distanced four cubits from the vines, the produce isn’t consecrated. This is the case in a large vineyard; there’s no concept of a “waived” section in a small vineyard. Rather, one may distance four cubits (about 6’) from the end of the vines and plant until the fence. Similarly, if there are eight or more cubits (about 12’+) between the rows of a large vineyard, the concept of a “waived” section doesn’t apply.