3,081. A Vineyard That Was Only Destroyed in the Middle

Hilchos Kilayim 7:10

If the roots of the vines are opposite one another but the branches aren’t, it’s considered a vineyard. If the branches are opposite one another but the roots aren’t, it’s not considered a vineyard. If the vines weren’t opposite one another when they were thin, but they were opposite one another when they grew thick, it’s considered a vineyard. One determines if the vines are planted opposite one another through the use of a measuring line.

Hilchos Kilayim 7:11

Let’s say that the center of a vineyard was destroyed, but it’s still whole on all sides. If the empty part in the middle is 16 cubits (about 24’ across), one may distance four cubits (about 6’) from the roots of the vines on each side and plant in the middle of the empty space. If the empty part is smaller than 16 cubits across, he may not plant seed there. If he did so, then since he distanced four cubits from the vines on all sides, the produce isn’t consecrated.