3,078. Intentionally Spacing Between Rows

Hilchos Kilayim 7:4

Pursuant to the previous halacha, if someone plants his vineyard at the outset with eight cubits (12’) between each row, he may plant seeds there, distancing just six handbreadths (18”) between each row of vines. However, if he planted outside the vineyard, he must distance four cubits (6’) from the outside row, the same as with other vineyards. The laws of the space between the rows of this vineyard are not the same as those of a vineyard that was destroyed in the middle (as we will see IY”H in halacha 11) because in this instance he planted the rows distanced at the outset.

Hilchos Kilayim 7:5

Let’s say that there’s one row of vines in a field and another person has a row of vines in a field that’s opposite it and nearby. In such a case the rows combine to be considered a vineyard. This is the case even if there’s a private path, a public path or a fence shorter than ten handbreadths (30”) so long as there are fewer than eight cubits between the rows.