3,072. Vines Extended Into Hard Ground

Hilchos Kilayim 6:8

If one extended a vine into hard ground, he may plant seeds over it even if there are only three fingerbreadths of soil covering it rather three handbreadths (i.e., about 2.25” rather than 9”). This is the case when one can’t see the root of the vine; if it can be seen, then one must distance six handbreadths (about 18”) in every direction before planting. One must similarly distance from a lone vine that wasn’t extended into the ground, as we will see IY”H in chapter 7.

Hilchos Kilayim 6:9

Let’s say that someone extended three vines into the ground and their roots can be seen. If there are four to eight cubits between them (about six to twelve feet), then they are combined with the other vines in the vineyard and they are treated as if they weren’t extended into the ground. If this is not the case, then they’re not combined with the other vines.