3,067. Calculating the Rate of Increase

Hilchos Kilayim 5:22

The previous halacha referred to the length of time it would take a vegetable to increase by 1/200th. This is measured as follows: We see how long it takes for a vegetable or grain to dry once it’s disconnected from the ground. Let’s say that it takes 100 hours to dry to the point that it has no moisture left. Accordingly, if the vegetable remained in the ground for a half-hour after he reached it, it will have added 1/200th, rendering it prohibited. If he delayed less than a half-hour, it remains permitted.

Hilchos Kilayim 5:23

It is prohibited to carry a vegetable growing in a perforated pot through a vineyard. If one leaves it on the ground under a vine for the length of time that it takes to increase by 1/200th, it becomes sanctified.