3,065. Herbs That People Don’t Usually Plant

Hilchos Kilayim 5:18

If someone sees an herb that people don’t typically plant growing in his vineyard, it doesn’t become sanctified even if he wants to let it keep growing for use as animal feed or for medicinal use. This is true unless most people in the area would retain this plant. Accordingly, if one allows thorns to keep growing in his vineyard in Arabia, they are sanctified because people there desire them for use as camel feed.

Hilchos Kilayim 5:19

Mint, ivy, king’s lily and similar plants do not present a problem of mixed species in a vineyard. Hemp, artichokes and cotton are like other species of vegetable, and they become sanctified in a vineyard. Similarly, all herbs that grow on their own in a field become sanctified in a vineyard. Egyptian beans are considered a plant and are not sanctified. Bamboo, roses and thornbushes are considered trees and do not present a problem of mixed species in a vineyard.