3,063. Planting in a Vineyard of Immature Grapes

Hilchos Kilayim 5:14

Let’s discuss a vineyard whose grapes have not yet grown to the size of white beans. If one plants vegetables or grain there and they take root, they’re not sanctified, but one is penalized for doing so by the growth being prohibited. The immature grapes, however, remain permitted. If one harvested the growth before the grapes reached the size of white beans, one is permitted to benefit from them. If some grapes reached the size of white beans but others didn’t, the former are sanctified and the latter aren’t.

Hilchos Kilayim 5:15

Let’s say that grapes have grown to the size of white beans and someone planted grain or vegetables alongside them. If he harvests the growth before it takes root, it is permitted to benefit from it. Once it has taken root, it becomes prohibited.