3,062. When Produce Is Sanctified

Hilchos Kilayim 5:12

Let’s say that person A occupied person B’s land by force and planted mixed species in his vineyard. When person A leaves, person B should harvest the crops right away, even on chol hamoed. If he can’t find workers, he should increase the offered wages by even a third. If the workers demanded even more money or if he’s unable to find workers, he can keep looking and harvest the produce when he finds the manpower to do so. If the produce remains unharvested until the point when it consecrates the vineyard, then it is sanctified and the species planted there are prohibited.

Hilchos Kilayim 5:13

Grain and vegetables become consecrated when they grow roots; grapes become consecrated when they reach the size of a white bean. This is derived from Deuteronomy 22:9, “Lest the growth of the seed that you planted and the produce of the vineyard become sanctified,” meaning when one plants the former (i.e., grain or vegetables) and the latter (grapes) becomes produce. However, if the grain has already dried sufficiently to harvest or the grapes have already matured, then they don’t become sanctified. Accordingly, if grain has dried sufficiently and then one plants a vine among it, or if grapes have matured and then one plants grain or vegetables adjacent to them, it is prohibited but they don’t become sanctified.