3,054. Planting 18 Species Together

Hilchos Kilayim 4:12

If a row is six handbreadths by six handbreadths (about 18” x 18”) and is surrounded by a border a handbreadth high and a handbreadth wide (about 3” x 3”), it is permitted to plant even 18 species there: three on each border and six in the middle. One must distance 1.5 handbreadths (about 4.5”) between species. One may not plant a turnip in the middle of the border out of concern that it will it grow and fill up the border. One may not plant more than this.

Hilchos Kilayim 4:13

One may not plant different species of seeds (like mustard) in the way we've been discussing because such plants will appear to be mixed species. When it comes to vegetables, they may be planted in this manner because they are normally only planted a little at a time, as we have discussed.