Chayei Sarah - Our Dynasty is Our Destiny
This week’s Haftorah begins with a description of Dovid HaMelech in his old age, בָּ֖א בַּיָּמִ֑ים and the rocky road toward the transfer of leadership. His son, Adoniyahu declares himself king. Dovid, at the initiation of his wife Batsheva and his trusted advisor and prophet Nathan, announces that Shlomo will be the continuation of the Davidic dynasty and inherit the kingship. Why is it necessary to report Adoniyahu’s attempt to usurp Shlomo’s ascent to kingship? Ultimately, wasn’t the Davidic line secured with Dovid HaMelech’’s own anointing?
The connection between the Parshiyot and Haftorot are sometimes more obvious, and sometimes less so. One possible connection for this week’s readings is the use of the words בָּ֖א בַּיָּמִ֑ים describing both Avraham and Dovid. In their advanced ages both Dovid and Avraham recognize the need to assure a strong future for the Jewish people. Avraham does so by going to great lengths to find an appropriate wife for his unmarried son Yitzchok and Dovid does so by publicly proclaiming Shlomo king. Dovid and Avraham teach us by example that no matter our age or strength we must continuously work for the betterment of Klal Yisroel.
It is especially significant that the area of focus for both Avraham and Dovid in the waning years of their lives is continuity. All too often iconic figures achieve greatness in their own lives but are sadly unable to transmit it to succeeding generations. A succession plan was crucial for both Avraham and Dovid. The distinction of these men lies not merely in their ability to see the importance of breeding successors, but more so in their awareness of the particular needs of those who would assume the mantle of leadership following them. Avraham understood Yitzchok could only achieve his mission and his potential through the continuity of family. Dovid is keenly mindful that since Adoniyahu announced his rulership, only a public pronouncement could securely ensconce Shlomo as the next melech al Yisroel - king of the Jewish people.
Both Avraham and Dovid enabled continuity through deliberate actions; they carried out actions for their sons that were not carried out for them. Great leaders, like Avraham and Dovid, are prepared to do for others what was not done for them if it is indeed for the greater good and future of the people. They understand the value of mesorah, of transmitting values and heritage.
May Hashem bless us with the strength and energy to assure the continuity of our people and land, the wisdom to cherish our heritage and recognize the needs of others. Building a nation through family and dynasty is our destiny.