908. Shehechiyanu on the Second Day of Rosh Hashana

129:22 After returning to shul, if it is not yet time for maariv, we should avoid bad company so that we do not come to engage in idle talk. Instead, we should occupy ourselves with Torah study or Tehillim or musar because this is a holy day.

129:23 The two days of Rosh Hashana are considered like one long day with a single holy status. Because of this, the Sages were divided as to whether or not one should recite the bracha of shehechiyanu on candle lighting, kiddush and shofar blowing on the second day. Some authorities feel that, since the two days are considered one period of holiness, the shehechiyanu of the first day also covers the second. Therefore, the practice when reciting kiddush on the second night is to place a new fruit on the table so that the bracha of shehechiyanu is recited also on the fruit; alternately, one could wear a new garment. If one does not have a new fruit or a new garment, it is not a problem. One simply says shehechiyanu at kiddush in compliance with the prevalent opinion. Similarly, when lighting candles on the second night, a woman should try to wear a new garment or to place a new fruit on the table so that her bracha of shehechiyanu will also be said on that. If she does not have one of these, it is not a problem. Likewise, the one blowing shofar on the second day should wear a new garment if possible. If the first day of Rosh Hashana falls on Shabbos, this is unnecessary because we still haven't recited shehechiyanu over the shofar.