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Menachos 6:7-7:1

Menachos 6:7

The flour for the omer was sifted through 13 sieves, that for the two loaves through 12 sieves, and that for the showbread through 11 sieves. Rabbi Shimon says that there was no predetermined volume of flour (as in the previous mishna) or number of sieves (as in this mishna), they just brought fine flour that was sifted as much as necessary as per Leviticus 24:5, “you shall take fine flour and bake,” i.e., sifted as much as necessary.

Menachos 7:1

The thanksgiving offering consisted of five Jerusalem seah, which equals six of the measures used in the wilderness. An ephah is three seah so two wilderness ephah equals 20 isaron – ten isaron for the leavened cakes at the rate of one isaron each, and ten isaron for the unleavened portion. There are three kinds of unleavened portions: cakes, wafers and cakes soaked in boiling water. Accordingly, there were three and one-third isaron of each kind of unleavened portion, three per isaron. Using the Jerusalem measure, there were 30 kav – 15 for the leavened cakes at the rate of 1.5 each, and 15 for the unleavened portions. There were three kinds of unleavened portions: cakes, wafers and cakes soaked in boiling water. Accordingly, there were five kav for each kind of unleavened portion, two per kav.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz