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Menachos 6:5-6

Menachos 6:5

All flour offerings must be rubbed 300 times and beaten 500 times. This applies to wheat (to remove the husks); Rabbi Yosi says that it applies also to the dough. All flour offerings are brought in multiples of ten except for the showbread and the baked cakes of the Kohein Gadol, which come in dozens; this is the opinion of Rabbi Yehuda. Rabbi Meir says that all flour offerings were brought in multiples of 12 except for the cakes accompanying thanksgiving offerings and the offering of the nazir, which are brought in tens.

Menachos 6:6

The omer offering consisted of one isaron sifted from three seah (of barley). [An isaron is one-tenth of an ephah, which is the same as three seah.] The two Shavuos loaves were made from two isaron sifted from three seah (of wheat). The showbread was made from 24 isaron sifted from 24 seah (of wheat).

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz