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Menachos 5:8-9

Menachos 5:8

If a person accepts upon himself to bring a flour offering that is prepared in a frying pan, he may not bring an offering that is prepared in a deep-fry pan, nor vice versa. The difference between the frying pan and the deep-fry pan is just that the deep-fry pan has a lid; this is the opinion of Rabbi Yosi HaGlili. Rabbi Chananiah ben Gamliel says that the deep-fry pan is deeper and the things prepared in it are spongy, while the frying pan is flat and the things prepared in it are hard.

Menachos 5:9

If one accepts upon himself to bring a flour offering that is prepared in the oven, he may not bring one that is prepared in a stove, on tiles or in an Arabian-style fire pit. Rabbi Yehuda says that one has the option to bring an offering that is baked in a stove. If one accepts upon himself to bring a baked flour offering, he may not bring half of it in the form of cakes and the other half in the form of wafers; Rabbi Shimon permits this because they are the same type of offering.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz