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Menachos 4:1-2

Menachos 4:1

The absence of techeiles (the blue thread in tzitzis) does not preclude the white strings, and the white strings do not preclude the techeiles. The hand tefillin doesn’t preclude the head tefillin, nor does the head tefillin preclude that of the hand. The fine flour and oil of libations do not preclude the wine, nor does the wine preclude them. Sprinklings on the corners of the outer altar do not preclude one another (i.e., even one sprinkling effects atonement).

Menachos 4:2

The bulls, rams and lambs (various Shavuos burnt offerings) do not preclude one another. Rabbi Shimon says that if they had many bulls but they didn’t have sufficient libations, they should bring one bull with its libation rather than offerings all of them without libations.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz