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Menachos 3:4-5

Menachos 3:4

Rabbi Eliezer says that if the remainder of a flour offering was rendered ritually unclean, got burnt or was lost, the handful remains valid; Rabbi Yehoshua declares it invalid. If the handful was not placed in a Temple vessel, it is invalid; Rabbi Shimon declares it valid. If the handful was burned twice (i.e., in two installments), it is valid.

Menachos 3:5

Missing even the smallest part of the handful invalidates the whole thing. Missing even the smallest part of the isaron (a tenth of an ephah) invalidates the whole thing. Missing even the smallest part of the wine (for a libation) invalidates the whole thing. Missing even the smallest part of the oil (that is mixed with a flour offering) invalidates the whole thing. Regarding fine flour and oil, lacking one invalidates the other. Regarding the handful and frankincense, lacking one invalidates the other.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz