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Menachos 2:3-4

Menachos 2:3

A thanksgiving offering can render its bread piggul but the bread does not render the thanksgiving offering piggul, as follows: if the kohein slaughtered the thanksgiving offering intending to eat from it the next day, both the offering and the bread are piggul; if he intended to eat from the bread the next day, the bread is piggul but the offering is not. Similarly, the lambs offered on Shavuos can render their bread piggul but the bread cannot render the lambs piggul, as follows: if the kohein slaughtered the lambs intending to eat from them the next day, then both they and the bread are piggul; if he intended to eat from the bread the next day, the bread is piggul but the lambs are not.

Menachos 2:4

Rabbi Meir says that an animal sacrifice can render its libations piggul after they have been sanctified in a Temple vessel but the libations cannot render the sacrifice piggul. Accordingly, if one slaughtered an animal intending to eat from it the next day, then both it and its libations are piggul; if he intended to offer the libations the next day, the libations are piggul but the sacrifice is not.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz