3,045. Separating Between Rows in a Field

Hilchos Kilayim 3:12

The areas that must be distanced, as described in the past few halachos, refer specifically to between two fields. However, if someone planted vegetables in his field and he wants to plant a row of a different type of vegetable adjacent, then it’s sufficient to leave a ditch six handbreadths long (about 18 inches), a handbreadth wide and a handbreadth deep, in between that row and the rest of the field.

Hilchos Kilayim 3:13

If a field is planted with grain and the owner wants to plant a row of vegetables in the middle, he must leave a space of six handbreadths (about 18”) between them. This is true even of gourds, whose leaves are long and get tangled. If the leaves of the gourds grow to the extent that they enter the area of the grain and get tangled with it, he must uproot enough grain opposite the squash so that the leaves won’t get tangled with it. It should go without saying that if he planted a row of one species and a row of a different species, it’s sufficient to have a ditch between them, as we will discuss.