891. The Seven Haftaros of Consolation

128:4 From the Shabbos after Tisha b'Av and on, for seven Shabboses, we read seven haftaros of consolation. However, if the first day of Rosh Chodesh Elul falls on Shabbos, we push off reading "Oh, you afflicted" from Isaiah 54 in favor of "The heaven is My throne" from Isaiah 66, which also contains some consolation for the destruction of Jerusalem. In such a case, on Shabbos parshas Ki Seitzei, we read the haftarah "Sing, barren one" from Isaiah 54, adding "Oh, you afflicted," which follows. If one erred and read "Oh, you afflicted" on Shabbos Rosh Chodesh Elul, if he realized his error before reciting the brachos after it, he then also reads "The heaven is My throne," followed by the brachos. If he only realized his error after the brachos, he reads "The heaven is My throne..." without reciting any brachos. If Rosh Chodesh Elul falls on Sunday, we push off reading the haftarah "Tomorrow is the new moon" from I Samuel 20 because it does not contain any consolation for the destruction of Jerusalem. Instead, we read "Oh, you afflicted."

128:5 Starting from the Sunday before Rosh Hashana, we get up early to recite selichos. If Rosh Hashana falls on Monday or Tuesday, we start saying selichos on the Sunday of the week before. When getting up early (i.e., before dawn), we must wash our hands with the bracha and also recite the brachos for Torah study. After selichos, we must wash our hands a second time without the bracha.