3,040. Plants of Different Species That Look the Same
Hilchos Kilayim 3:2
Counter to the previous halacha, there are plant species that resemble one another with very similar forms. However, since they are in fact different species, it is prohibited to grow them together.
Hilchos Kilayim 3:3
Pursuant to the two previous halachas, two different species of lettuce, endive, leek, coriander, mustard, etc. are not considered kilayim with one another (e.g., leeks and wild leeks, coriander and Egyptian coriander, etc.). Similarly, barley and oats, rye and spelt, beans and white peas, zucchini and cucumber, cabbage and cauliflower, et al. are not kilayim with one another. However, mustard and bitter cabbage, Greek squash and Egyptian squash, et al., are kilayim with one another even though they resemble each other.*
*Editor’s note: The Rambam’s examples throughout this halacha are far more specific. We have addressed things in more general terms because of the difficulty inherent in positively identifying many of these crops.