Shnayim Mikra - Missed Parshiyos

QUESTION: I have fallen behind in reviewing Shnayim Mikra V’echad Targum and I find myself a few parshiyos behind. Is it better to skip to this week’s parasha and make up the missing parshiyos at a later time, or should I continue going in order even though that will mean that I won’t finish this week’s parasha by Shabbos?

ANSWER: If one can make up the missing parshiyos and complete this week’s parasha as well, then it is best to read the parshiyos in order and not skip (see Teshuvos Be’er Moshe 5:79). However, if it becomes obvious that if they review in order it will not be possible to complete this week’s parasha Shnayim Mikra V’echad Targum, then they should skip to this week’s parasha because that is a higher priority.

Mishnah Berurah (285:6) writes that when reciting Shnayim Mikra V’echad Targum, each parasha should be read in order. One should not skip a verse or a section and then go back to it later. However, bedieved (after the fact), if one did skip a section, that portion can be made up later. One is not obligated to return to the skipped portion and then reread until the end of the parasha (K’tzos Hashulchan 72, n. 5). Nevertheless, it is considered meritorious to do so. Similarly, if one missed an entire parasha, it can be made up at a later time, even though it is out of order.


The Gerald & Karin Feldhamer OU Kosher Halacha Yomis is dedicated to the memory of Rav Yisroel Belsky, zt"l, who served as halachic consultant for OU Kosher for more than 28 years; many of the responses in Halacha Yomis are based on the rulings of Rabbi Belsky. Subscribe to the Halacha Yomis daily email here.