3,032. Mustard Seed Mixed With Grain
Hilchos Kilayim 2:3
The previous halacha applies when the different grains got mixed together, different legumes (kitniyos) got mixed together, or grain got mixed with legumes or vice versa. However, if gardening seeds got mixed with grain or beans, then the volume is 1/24 what would be planted from that species in the area in which one would plant a seah of grain. If that volume got mixed with a seah of grain or legumes, then one may not plant the mixture until he reduces the volume of gardening seeds or increases the volume of grain.
Hilchos Kilayim 2:4
Pursuant to the previous halacha, let’s say that mustard got mixed with grain. A kav of mustard is planted in the area in which a seah of grain is planted.* If 1/24 of a kav of mustard seed got mixed with a seah of grain or legumes, one must reduce the volume of mustard. Similarly, if the practice is to plant two seah of a gardening seed in an area where a seah of grain would be planted, then a half-kav of that seed that got mixed with a seah of grain or legumes must be reduced.
*Note: a seah (about 2.25 gallons) is six kav.