Shnayim Mikra - Manner of Reading
QUESTION: What is the proper manner for reading Shnayim Mikra V’echad Targum?
ANSWER: The Mishnah Berurah (285:2) offers two acceptable options how one should read Shnayim Mikra V’echad Targum. The first option is to read each pasuk twice and then the Targum or Rashi for that pasuk. The other option is to read a section of the parasha until there is a break in the reading. In a Chumash, this is often indicated by a “Samech” or a “Pei” (indicating the end of a parasha pesucha or setuma). One may also stop if one reaches the end of a topic. Then one should read the passage a second time, and then read the associated Targum or Rashi.
The Chavos Yair (Mekor Chaim – Kitzur Halachos, siman 285) writes that instead of reading the Targum last, it is preferable to read the text of the chumash, the Targum (or Rashi) and then again the text of the chumash. The advantage of this method is that one will have a better understanding of the chumash when they read it the second time, having already read the commentary. It is reported that the Chazon Ish followed this practice (see Orchos Rabbeinu, Vol. 1, p. 123).
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