3,025. Refraining From Consecrations, Valuations and Proscriptions
Hilchos Arachin Vacharamin 8:11
Nowadays, if someone proscribes movable goods without verbalizing his intention, they are given to his local kohanim. However, if one proscribes a field in Israel without verbalizing his intention, or if he proscribed it for the kohanim, it is not proscribed because the proscription of fields only applies in a time when the Jubilee year (yoveil) is observed. If one proscribed real estate outside of Israel for the kohanim even nowadays, it is treated like movable goods in Israel and is therefore given to the kohanim.
Hilchos Arachin Vacharamin 8:12
Consecrations, valuations and proscriptions are mitzvos and it is appropriate for one to make such commitments in order to overcome the baser instinct to be stingy and in order to fulfill the Biblical dictate to honor Hashem with one’s resources (Proverbs 3:9). Nevertheless, if one never made one of these commitments, it’s okay, because Deuteronomy 23:23 teaches us, "If you refrain from vowing, you will be free of sin."