3,024. Redeeming Consecrated Property Today
Hilchos Arachin Vacharamin 8:9
If someone consecrates or proscribes a servant who has accepted the mitzvos, he must redeem him and throw the money into the Dead Sea the same as one does with other values and valuations in the post-Temple era. If the consecrated servant has not accepted the mitzvos, he can not be redeemed, nor can one benefit from his labor.
Hilchos Arachin Vacharamin 8:10
Nowadays, one may redeem consecrated property at the outset (l’chatchilah) even for a prutah, which is then thrown into the Dead Sea. The Sages, however, ruled that such property must be redeemed for four zuz – or close to it – in order to publicize it. In the Temple era, consecrated property was optimally redeemed for its actual value, as was already discussed in chapter 7.