3,023. Consecrated Property Today
Hilchos Arachin Vacharamin 8:7
Let’s say that the consecrated property wasn’t appraised. The owner bid 20 sela, a third party bid 25, and the owner remained silent. In such a case, the owner still takes priority because he would also have to pay 25 thanks to the extra fifth that he adds. If someone else bid 26, then that person takes priority. If the owner wants to add even a single prutah, then he must pay 31 selaim and a prutah, as was already explained in halacha 8:5. We always proceed in this manner.
Hilchos Arachin Vacharamin 8:8
Nowadays, we no longer consecrate property, make valuations or proscribe property because there’s no Temple requiring upkeep. If someone nevertheless consecrated property, made a valuation or proscribed property, then if it’s an animal, it’s locked up until it dies a natural death. If it’s produce, clothing or utensils, they are put aside until they rot. If it’s coins or metal utensils, they are thrown into the Dead Sea or the Mediterranean to destroy them.