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Zevachim 14:5-6

Zevachim 14:5

When the Jews arrived in Gilgal, private altars were permitted (because the nation was not yet settled in the land). Kodshei kodashim were eaten within the enclosure of the courtyard, while kodshim kalim could be eaten anywhere.

Zevachim 14:6

When they arrived in Shiloh, private altars were prohibited. The Mishkan at Shiloh had no roof; it was just a stone structure with curtains on top. This constituted coming to rest, which prohibited private altars (alluded to in Deuteronomy 12:9). Kodshei kodashim were eaten within the enclosure, while kodshim kalim and second tithe could be eaten anywhere in sight of the Mishkan.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz