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Zevachim 13:5-6

Zevachim 13:5

If a person offers sacrifices and their fats outside the Temple courtyard, he is liable. If he offered a flour offering from which the handful has not been taken outside, he is exempt. If he took the handful from the flour, returned it to the flour, and then offered the flour offering outside, he is liable.

Zevachim 13:6

If a person offered the handful or the frankincense of a freewill offering outside, he is liable; Rabbi Elazar says that he is exempt for offering one unless he also offers the other. If he offered one inside and the other outside, he is liable. If someone offered one of the two dishes of frankincense (of the showbread) outside, he is liable; Rabbi Elazar says that he is exempt for offering one unless he also offers the other. If he offered one inside and the other outside, he is liable. If a person sprinkles part of a sacrifice’s blood outside, he is liable; Rabbi Elazar says that one who pours the Succos water libations outside is also liable. Rabbi Nechemiah says that if a person offers the remainder of a sacrifice’s blood outside, he is liable.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz