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Zevachim 13:1-2

Zevachim 13:1

If a person slaughters and offers a sacrifice outside the Temple courtyard, he is liable to bring one sin offering for slaughtering it and another sin offering for offering it. Rabbi Yosi HaGlili says that if one slaughtered it inside and offered it outside, he is liable; if he slaughtered it outside and offered it outside he is not liable because he offered something unfit outside. The Sages said that if that’s the case, one should also not be liable for slaughtering inside and offering outside because the sacrifice is disqualified as soon as one takes it outside.

Zevachim 13:2

If a ritually unclean person ate ritually unclean or ritually clean meat, he is liable, Rabbi Yosi HaGlili says that an unclean person who ate clean sacrificial meat is liable but an unclean person who ate unclean sacrificial meat is not liable because he only ate something unclean. The Sages said that the same should therefore apply to an unclean person who ate clean sacrificial meat because the meat is rendered unclean as soon as he touches it. If a ritually clean person ate ritually unclean sacrificial meat, he is not liable because he is only liable for his personal impurity.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz