Parshas V'Zos HaBracha - Revii

(יח) וְלִזְבוּלֻ֣ן אָמַ֔ר שְׂמַ֥ח זְבוּלֻ֖ן בְּצֵאתֶ֑ךָ וְיִשָּׂשכָ֖ר בְּאֹהָלֶֽיךָ׃ (יט) עַמִּים֙ הַר־יִקְרָ֔אוּ שָׁ֖ם יִזְבְּח֣וּ זִבְחֵי־צֶ֑דֶק כִּ֣י שֶׁ֤פַע יַמִּים֙ יִינָ֔קוּ וּשְׂפֻנֵ֖י טְמ֥וּנֵי חֽוֹל׃ {ס}

(יח) וְלִזְבוּלֻן אֲמַר חֲדֵי זְבוּלֻן בְּמִפְּקָךְ לַאֲגָחָא קְרָבָא עַל בַּעֲלֵי דְבָבָךְ וְיִשָּׂשׂכָר בִּמְהָכָךְ לְמֶעְבַּד זִמְנֵי מוֹעֲדַיָּא בִּירוּשְׁלֵם: (יט) שִׁבְטַיָּא דְיִשְׂרָאֵל לְטוּר בֵּית מַקְדְּשָׁא יִתְכַּנְּשׁוּן תַּמָּן יִכְּסוּן נִכְסַת קוּדְשִׁין לְרַעֲוָא אֲרֵי נִכְסֵי עַמְמַיָּא יֵיכְלוּן וְסִימָא דְמִטַּמְרָא בְחָלָא מִתְגַּלְיָא לְהוֹן:

18. And of Zevulun he said, “Rejoice, Zevulun, in your departure to battle against your adversaries, and Yisachar when you go to set the times of the holidays in Jerusalem.[1] 19. The tribes of Israel will gather at the mountain of the Temple; there they will sacrifice holiness sacrifices[2] for favor, because they will devour[3] the possessions of the peoples, and the treasures that are hidden of the sand will be revealed to them.”

(כ) וּלְגָ֣ד אָמַ֔ר בָּר֖וּךְ מַרְחִ֣יב גָּ֑ד כְּלָבִ֣יא שָׁכֵ֔ן וְטָרַ֥ף זְר֖וֹעַ אַף־קׇדְקֹֽד׃ (כא) וַיַּ֤רְא רֵאשִׁית֙ ל֔וֹ כִּי־שָׁ֛ם חֶלְקַ֥ת מְחֹקֵ֖ק סָפ֑וּן וַיֵּתֵא֙ רָ֣אשֵׁי עָ֔ם צִדְקַ֤ת יְהֹוָה֙ עָשָׂ֔ה וּמִשְׁפָּטָ֖יו עִם־יִשְׂרָאֵֽל׃ {ס}

(כ) וּלְגָד אֲמַר בְּרִיךְ אַפְתֵּי לְגָד כְּלֵיתָא שָׁרֵי וְיִקְטוֹל שִׁלְטוֹנִין עִם מַלְכִין: (כא) וְאִתְקַבֵּל בְּקַדְמֵתָא דִּילֵיהּ אֲרֵי תַמָּן בְּאַחֲסַנְתֵּיהּ משֶׁה סָפְרָא רַבָּא דְיִשְׂרָאֵל קְבִיר וְהוּא נָפֵק וְעַל בְּרֵישׁ עַמָּא זַכְוָן קֳדָם יְיָ עֲבַד וְדִינוֹהִי עִם יִשְׂרָאֵל:

20. And of Gad he said, “Blessed is the One Who expands Gad! Like a lion he dwells, and he will kill rulers with kings.[4] 21. He received his (share) first, because there, in his inheritance, Moshe – the great scribe[5] of Israel – is buried. And he went out and entered at the head[6] of the people; he performed righteousness[7] before Hashem, and His judgments with Israel.”

[1] The Chumash simply has, “in your tents.”

[2] Rather than “sacrifices of righteousness.”

[3] Chumash: “be nursed by.”

[4] Rather than “he will tear arm with scalp.”

[5] Rather than “lawgiver.”

[6] Onkelos changes this word from plural to singular.

[7] This word is plural in the Aramaic.

The Complete Targum Onkelos

Volume 1: Bereishis and Shemos on Amazon and from Kodesh Press!

Volume 2: Vayikra, Bamidbar and Devarim on Amazon and Kodesh Press!

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