Parshas V'Zos HaBracha - Shlishi

(יג) וּלְיוֹסֵ֣ף אָמַ֔ר מְבֹרֶ֥כֶת יְהֹוָ֖ה אַרְצ֑וֹ מִמֶּ֤גֶד שָׁמַ֙יִם֙ מִטָּ֔ל וּמִתְּה֖וֹם רֹבֶ֥צֶת תָּֽחַת׃ (יד) וּמִמֶּ֖גֶד תְּבוּאֹ֣ת שָׁ֑מֶשׁ וּמִמֶּ֖גֶד גֶּ֥רֶשׁ יְרָחִֽים׃ (טו) וּמֵרֹ֖אשׁ הַרְרֵי־קֶ֑דֶם וּמִמֶּ֖גֶד גִּבְע֥וֹת עוֹלָֽם׃ (טז) וּמִמֶּ֗גֶד אֶ֚רֶץ וּמְלֹאָ֔הּ וּרְצ֥וֹן שֹׁכְנִ֖י סְנֶ֑ה תָּב֙וֹאתָה֙ לְרֹ֣אשׁ יוֹסֵ֔ף וּלְקׇדְקֹ֖ד נְזִ֥יר אֶחָֽיו׃ (יז) בְּכ֨וֹר שׁוֹר֜וֹ הָדָ֣ר ל֗וֹ וְקַרְנֵ֤י רְאֵם֙ קַרְנָ֔יו בָּהֶ֗ם עַמִּ֛ים יְנַגַּ֥ח יַחְדָּ֖ו אַפְסֵי־אָ֑רֶץ וְהֵם֙ רִבְב֣וֹת אֶפְרַ֔יִם וְהֵ֖ם אַלְפֵ֥י מְנַשֶּֽׁה׃ {ס}

(יג) וּלְיוֹסֵף אֲמַר מְבָרָכָא מִן קֳדָם יְיָ אַרְעֵיהּ עָבְדָא מַגְדָּנִין מִטַּלָּא דִשְׁמַיָּא מִלְּעֵלָּא וּמִמַּבּוּעֵי עֵינָוָן וּתְהוֹמִין דְּנָגְדָּן מִמַּעֲמַקֵּי אַרְעָא מִלְּרָע: (יד) וְעָבְדָא מִגְדָּנִין וַעֲלָלָן מִיבוּל שִׁמְשָׁא וְעָבְדָא מִגְדָּנִין מֵרֵישׁ יְרַח בִּירַח: (טו) וּמֵרֵישׁ טוּרַיָּא בַּכִּירַיָּא וּמִטּוּב רָמָן דִּלָא פָסְקָן: (טז) וּמִטּוּב אַרְעָא וּמְלָאַהּ רָעֵי לֵיהּ דִּשְׁכִנְתֵּיהּ בִּשְׁמַיָּא וְעַל משֶׁה אִתְגְּלִי בַאֲסָנָא יָתְיָן כָּל אִלֵּין לְרֵישָׁא דְיוֹסֵף וּלְגַבְרָא (ס"א וּלְגַנְיָּא) פָּרִישָׁא דַאֲחוֹהִי: (יז) רַבָּא דִבְנוֹהִי זִיוָא לֵיהּ וּגְבוּרָן דְּאִתְעֲבִידָא לֵיהּ מִקֳּדָם תָּקְפָּא וְרוּמָא דִילֵיהּ בִּגְבֻרְתֵּיהּ עַמְמַיָּא יִקְטֵל כַּחֲדָא עַד סְיָפֵי אַרְעָא וְאִנּוּן רִבְוָתָא דְבֵית אֶפְרַיִם וְאִנּוּן אַלְפַיָּא דְבֵית מְנַשֶּׁה:

13. And of Yoseif he said, “Blessed from before Hashem is his land. It makes precious goods from the dew of Heaven above and from the fountain springs and depths that flow from the abysses[1] of the earth below. 14. It makes precious goods and harvests of the sun’s produce, and it makes precious goods from the head of the month each month,[2] 15. and from the first[3] (fruits) from the early-ripening mountains, and from the goodness of hills that don’t stop,[4] 16. and with the goodness of the earth and its fullness. He is favored of He Whose presence is in the heavens and was revealed upon Moshe in the thornbush. 17. The great(er) of his sons, brilliance is his, and the mighty deeds that are performed for him are from before Him to Whom power and loftiness belong. With his strength he will kill peoples together until the ends of the earth, and they are the myriads of the house of Efraim, and they are the thousands of the house of Menashe.”

[1] This word is plural in the Aramaic but not in the Hebrew.

[2] Onkelos understands the Hebrew yerech to refer to months rather than to the moon.

[3] Or, “the best.”

[4] Chumash: “eternal hills.”

The Complete Targum Onkelos

Volume 1: Bereishis and Shemos on Amazon and from Kodesh Press!

Volume 2: Vayikra, Bamidbar and Devarim on Amazon and Kodesh Press!

Two-volume set on Kodesh Press!