2,987. Consecrating Wine, Flour and Oil

Hilchos Arachin Vacharamin 5:8

If someone consecrates his property without specifying details and it includes wine, oil, fine flour and birds that are fit for offering on the altar, they should be sold for their appropriate offerings and then used as such. The proceeds from their sales are used to buy male animals to be brought as burnt offerings.

Hilchos Arachin Vacharamin 5:9

The reason that the proceeds from such sales are used for burnt offerings while the proceeds from selling an unblemished animal are used for Temple upkeep is as follows: when an animal consecrated for offering on the altar becomes blemished, it can be redeemed, as we will see in halacha 11. However, if fine flour, wine, oil or birds are rendered unfit, they cannot be redeemed. We learn this from Leviticus 27:11-12: "You shall have the animal stand (for appraisal)." Anything that is stood and appraised can be redeemed; things that are not stood and appraised can’t be redeemed.